Before I meet miss Lilies, I very afraid because, I can't speak english language. But, I will study. greeting with miss Lilies very comportable and happy, thanks miss lilies. :-)
My first impression in learning English was so fun eventough in the begining I thought I was so difficult. however, after doing it English is so fascinating. Thanks Miss Lilies :)
Infact, English is not really difificult as I taught because if we want to learn it seriously it will be easy. My be just because of lazyness and unknown that make me think that way. However, as far as I learn it I find it's really fun. Thank miss Lilies.. :)
for the first meeting of the English language courses, majoring in Indonesian 1A class very fun for me personally ... that made my miss happy with the course, the beautiful miss first, then good, and gives very good material, and the miss is very friendly and do not make students tense ...! thank Miss Lilies :)
from elementary school through college I honestly do not like the English language and therefore I decided to major in Indonesian language and literature teacher, but after meeting the mother in the English language courses in the second semester of the mother is enough to make me more interested in learning English because it is mandatory for all faculty, how mothers deliver English lessons in the first meeting yesterday was very fun, especially for me but do not know my other classmates, I hope my future more and more like the English language that obviously I like the way the mother deliver this course
The first meeting of the course's mother, in the Indonesian 1A class is very fun for me. that makes me comfortable learning at a very good mother because the mother and also a very good way of teaching ... hopefully in the future I can spirit .. thank you
I really feel happy with the english language courses, in addition to lecturers beautiful, good, and cheap smile. also how to teach it is not boring, so I am more motivated to learn English .. thank you miss ...! :)
I feel happy can in to class 1a. Friend’s are so kind to me. They are very gratifying. Lucturer’s also kind. I’m studied English by Miss Lilies Youlia today . Her is friendly,kind and smiling. And first impression make me enjoyed.
I think English class, not the origin of the difficulty was the beginning we liked the first lesson, it will be easier to master and learn, hopefully I can be comfortable in teaching by miss lilies :)
I first learned at Mrs. Lilis I feel happy because I have found the faculty as well as Mrs. Lilis, because I could easily understand what was described by I first learned at I first learned at Mrs. Lilis I feel happy because I have found the faculty as well as Mrs. Lilis, because I could easily understand what was described by the mother, the Mrs. Lilis was friendly and smiling, hopefully at home mother taught in class 1 B.. thank you Mrs. Lilis ,sorry if there are any words
hay miss... so far I am pleased with the courses that the mother gave. I will hopefully be more able and understand English. and also hopefully I can follow the course with a good miss and I certainly could add insight into English.
Hello miss, how are you ? i hope yuo are fine. in the first meeting, although the dialogue visual did in high school, but make we to study again. and in our first meeting very passionate. so, i hope that for next time our metting we can accept english better than last our meeting.
Impression of the first day was very fun to learn english at all, let alone in the English language lecturer added that good and beautiful. Honestly I love the high school English class english language support because I think it's very important, especially the English international language so I must try to understand and comprehend the language inggris.dan I think learning English was very pleasant at all, and the first day learn english language support with faculty named bu lilis really very pleasant. hopefully I can follow the lessons in this course english well.
I think learn English is very happy, cause English is a very common language and was made the official language to communicate around the world so it's very important that can master the English language. the first meeting of yesteryear during so so fun even though it is a bit tense at the moment of introduction and conversation but I am very glad to learn the English language well and properly.
Lilies is english lecturer. she is a new llecturer in my class. because when i still in semester 1, there is no english subject. and today, teacher in my class. she has given the matrerial about greating, introduction and parting. but, only greating tha she has explained to us, she is very nice, lecturer, she can explained the material clearly, so we can understand what is explains . i hope she can give me the motivation in a learing english subject .. !! thank you miss .. :)
Name : Nova Novianti Class : 1 B I'am sorry miss, because my blog can not be opened. My impression at the first meeting of the English language courses are very enjoyable, in learning English is in need processes and perseverance. I though of study programs in Indonesian but also must be able to speak English because English is the international language. for that I hope I can follow the course with good english with miss.
Name : Siti Aisah class : 1B sorry miss I use a friend's blog, because my blog can not open Impression message after learning English Learning English fun despite many obstacles because we have to understand that in spoken or in writing. In addition to her professor a fun way of teaching that is also easy to understand.
The first meeting to learn English was very fun, exciting, unsaturated, in presenting the material very easy to understand, and I love the process of learning a relaxed but serious.
My first impressions following the lecture course english is very happy because I was in the English language can only interpret and less in terms of speaking English. I hope I can overcome these shortcomings by following this course.Thank you Miss lilies
The first impression at the first meeting of learning,fun,not boring,what is conveyed easily understood.Teaching is not too fas so that it can easily be understood well.Study methods was serious but relaxed.The first task was to create a very pleasant conversation i think i can train to be able to conduct a concerversation in english very well.
The first day learning english with mrs Lilies very enjoy,so make me compertable,lesson conveyed indirectly hard,so very detail,and thanks mrs already justify when a me wrong in pronounciation of the english langue.
Name : Niken Kartika Ningrum Class : 1B NIM :2108130146
Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb i think about english lesson today is pleased fun and not maked bord to learning english lesson althought rather spechless when conversation and i like teach metods english lesson today slowly but serious so easy to understanding the lesson. i think enough,thank you
name : ilah rohilah class : 1 B "Impression Of English Lesson Today"
In my opinion about english lesson today very happy. Because i a lot of practicetd to speak english language with my friend. Althought we spoke in correct and i did not too understood but i loved to speak english. First time i studied english language when i was Elementary School, and at the time i felt english was strange language because it the first time i know. But for a longtime i felt i was funy. So i'am very happy with studied english language.
I very happy to study english to day, bicause we practicited to make conversation with friend's althought the difficult but l thought it was happy. Bicause english language is international language. l studied english when l was child, l didn't know about what wiss english language but after l heard, l thought l liked english very much, with the words that didnot canmon.
the secondary school, I do not understand I am happy to learn english before, though initially teanse. Honestly I do not understand the englis lessons, from especially if the teacher fierce and less in the way of teaching to understand it’s very make me lazy. Bat when the new mother was the first to come to my class see how mother teacher not to make me enjoy tegang and I can understand what she teacher and commands, the way I like it when professors teacher, relaxed bat easy to understand and hopefully what has been mother had taught be a benefit to me, that I was not knowing to knowing. Amen
NAMA : BELLA PUTRI AHMANDA KELAS : 1 A Today I studied about Simple Present Tenses. All student make sentence about hope today. And I hope today can meet mom and dad, I will hug and say I love you forever. Obvious, make a sentence Simple Present Tenses it easy, with a moment time I can do it.
Name : Keuis Rista Ristiana NIM : 2108130032 Class : 1A
To day I had pleasure of studying with Miss Lilis. I can come to know what I knew before and I can express my hope today. Anyway studied with Miss Lilis fun and not stressful. Although his courses difficult.
Learning English is very exciting day, learning about the greeating. And after the correction in font of the class I finally know where the error. thanks mom,, ;)
Name : Siti Aisah NIM : 2108130091 Class : 1 B This day was very fun to learn English in a way that is fast delivery lilis mother and easy to understand. Hopefully future lilis mother can provide materials in a way that is quick and easy to understand again. Thank you for this day.
Name : Nova Novianti NIM : 2108130015 Class : 1 B I'am sorry miss, because my blog can not be opened This day of fun to meet and learn English with miss. I can figure out how to write the correct expectations. Hopefully at the next meeting could be fun again. Thank you miss....
Name : Neng Hamdah Nurazizah Class : 1B english lessons follow the same day as the first meeting fun and very happy, and can add knowledge related to the English language more, hopefully at the next meeting better and more enjoyable. thanks to my professor beloved.
Name : Lusi Yustian Rahayu NIM : 2108130092 Class : 1A
Good afternoon miss lilis,
English make happy today, thank you verymuch for giving me lessons very interisting and fun that make me never bored, i hope that I can learn well again at the next meet.
Name : Sri Dewi Nopianti NIM : 2108130044 Class : 1B
In the first meeting is quite memorable, fun, I hope that in subsequent meetings as well as it is, how to convey the material is quite understandable, and I like the same way the mother in delivering the material.
Name : Sri Dewi Nopianti NIM : 2108130044 Class : 1B
At the second meeting, again better than the first meeting, as was told to the future to write our expectations in today's on board, hoping that at the next meeting again is better than the first and second meeting earlier.
Nama : Rofiqotun hikmah Nim : 2108130006 Class : 1 A
The second meeting learning english fun does not make tense, and as I wish this day would like to be better than ever. hopefully in the next meeting could be easier to learn and understand this lesson :)
Lesson English language today about expectation. Expectation than a cartain desirability which we tired, however including carried out. when i study English language it was my happiness, especially stadied to read English language. wow..... i felt spirit very much.
precisely this morning on Thursday, February 27, is the second meeting in the subject English. in this meeting that we are talking about the "present simple" and we need to make our expectations a sentence today. after that we wrote on the board, then Miss examine our task one by one. in fact, there are so many mistakes that we have done. and most of the errors we are about how to put the words correctly .. so, we know what mistakes we have made in writing sentences and in learning English. I hope that the next meeting would be better. We were all pleased to learn English with Miss Lilies, including my own, hopefully Miss Lilies unsaturated to teach us .. Thank you Miss lilies :)
this morning exactly on thursday, februari 27, was the second meeting in english subject. in that meeting we were talking about "simple present" and we must made an expecting sentences or our willing today. after that we wrote than in a whiteboard, then the lecturer checked our assignment one by one. in fact, there was so many mistakes we have done. and the most of our mistakes was about how to put the words and hot can we used the determine. so that, we knew what the mistakes we have done in writing sentence and in learning english. i hope next meeting will be better.
I think the impression was quite fun in learning, and I can add to the knowledge of the meaning and present tense were can recite the alphabet letter properly .
lessons I received from Miss morning, which is about the pronunciation of the letters in the English alphabet are true, and how to make correct sentences, spelling out the letters and make words in the English language was not easy.
Thursday, Februrary 27 2014 is the second meeting of the English language courses.I think it's fun because this time learning about the phrase "expectation today",and sentences that I made no corrections or errors at all, which means pretty good.Thank you professor Lilies
thanks miss, I was very happy this morning with miss learning to give, because I can express my expectations. even though I do not understand English, but I will keep trying to understand.
Impression learning English today, very enjoyable. although I often had difficulty in stringing words into the English language. but hopefully it can be a motivation for me, in order to study harder again. thank you miss lilies. :)
my impression today was very pleasant, though it was wrong but did not make me give up. all the Explanations understandable and mother over the mother thank you can change my thinking about the English language.
Name : Dede Latif Class : 1A This is the second meeting expectations as well as the conversation, thank God still fun but I have not fully know how to read the letters A to Z hopefully better future and to teach mothers how to maintain because it is very happy, especially for me
The second meeting was to learn English more enjoy my feelings from previous meetings, more fun, not stressful and very enjoyable because it feels the time is so fleeting.
Nama : Pipit Fitriani NIM : 2108130022 Class : 1-B
learning English at the second meeting, very fun and enjoy the learning. at the second meeting, learn to arrange the words in the simple past tense and introductions. I find it difficult initially but it turned out I could. in learning simple past tense it easier if directly into the sentence, rather than using the formula.
Name : Ina Nurul Inayah NIM : 2108130117 Class : I-B
Meeting of the two in learning English, very pleasant although assigned to arrange the words using the English language about hope these days, the first difficult but I could compose the word
meeting of the two subjects in English, sounded fun and I liked the way of teaching mrs. lilies are relaxed and not boring and does not make me sleepy in class. subject to two meetings this reminds me of my english teacher used his time vocational teaching is very detailed and made me understand what it teaches. but mrs. sorry last week I've sent one task but I sent it.
At the second meeting to learn English quite happy because the body is a healthy condition so that it can accept the lesson well, and know in compiling word properly. I hope next week is more fun.
Name : Ida Agustinuraida Class : 1B Nim : 2108130128 learning is very happy today, in order to make sentences expectations today, I am very happy. thanks mom lilies.
Name : Anna Narisa Oktaviani NIM : 2108130171 Grade / Class : 1 / A
to suggest learning English today thursday 27 february meeting of the two. it is so fun especially when writing these days to use your expectation tenses, the simple present tense. read the English alphabet, and I knw the difference became one determinant of an / a is the first letter in to sound whether vocal or consonant. Thank you Mrs. Lilies :)
Name : Taufik Hidayat Class : 1 B I was very impressed at all following the English course. because I actually do not like the English language, but after I became a mother administer likes. I am excited and eagerly to follow this course.
Today of fun learning the English language, learning to read English conversation and imagination the dream land. If I have dream land, I want my land full of chocolate and flowers in whole of area, because I like chocolate and flowers. and I will eat chocolate until satisfied.
The fourth meeting with the mother was still cool, I started to love the English language and at least the way I wanted to be able to talk or dialogue, but it all takes process
Thank mom, yesterday i'm learning english can imagination the dream land. I'm so happy. If i have a dream land, i can treefull pinus and beautifull plower.
Name : Keuis Rista Ristiana NIM : 2108130032 Class : 1A
Yesterday, I'm so have fun learn English language. I can express my imagination about the dream land. Not only is it, we also learn conversation and mention alphabet. For next week I want learn read the text. Thank's for yesterday Miss.. :)
Name : Bella Putri Ahmanda NIM : 2108130013 Class : 1A
Today, I studied still about simple present tenses, but same can't yesterdey. Mom Lilies give a sentence about "dream land". And to do student make a sentence from sentence it. I make a sentence is " if I have a dream land, I wish many people loved together". But a sentence is false. Mom Lilies can happy and enjoy repair sentence it become "is I have a dream land, I can live there with everyone who loved me. Thank Mom Lilies :)
English course on Thursday 6 March 2014 was very exciting because I can memorize dialogue and conversation without text reads smoothly alphabet.After that make a sentence on the island of dreams and I wrote that in the dream island many hidden treasures because I like solving puzzles. thank you Professor Lilies
note: sorry I'm late to make the task of this opinion because I forgot to thank you
last week I was very excited because learning about tenses, and the mother gave the sentence about "dream land", making the sentence and I made the phrase "if I have the dream land, then I will invite my parents there", but the mother fixing words we've made very carefully. and I am very happy with the mother learning to say last week,, thanks .. sorry miss new lilies send now, because the new content modem .. :)
Name : Keuis Rista Ristiana NIM : 2108130032 Class : 1A
Learning time is very enjoyable. especially about the types subject pronouns that have pronouns, object pronouns, possessive pronouns and relative pronouns. Each learning English with Miss Lilis would have been nice. Thank you Miss :)
Today is Thursday, where we learn English by mother Lilies Youlia. Material presented today impressive once, where we learned about pronouns. Learn how placement was in there. I am very happy today, ..
Name : Neng Hamdah Nurazizah Class : 1B Nim : 2108130127
Meetings to four English lessons so much fun, and I was really very happy because today learning about pronouns, I really enjoyed the discussion, and I see the mother lilis getting more beautiful day, I become more enthusiasm for learning English.
Name : Siti Aisah Class : 1 B NIM : 2108130091 This day learning English with lilies mother very fun, because of the ways it teaches quickly understood by students. thank you for this day. I'll see you next week.
Name : Nova Novianti Class : 1 B NIM : 2108130015 Hi miss... learning English fun meeting all these four. Today to discuss the material pronouns and easy to understand. thank you miss for today and hopefully be able to meet again next week.
name : iis siti sopiah class : 1A NIM : 2108130118
in the meeting on 6 March 2014 we make a sentencs about dream land. i feel very happy about that because with that i imagening my dream. so thanks for that. nice to meet you miss :D
hi miss, i hope you very happy meet with us in the 1A class. ok so for my comment about fourth meeting on march 13,2014. i understand your explaining about greeting, introducetion,parting, pronuon ect. and we very happy study with you. :D
hi miss..... to lesson today about greeting, introducetion, parting, pronuon ect, in my opinion it easy and gratifi. i like with style teach you. ask defense miss. thank :D
Nama : Bella putri ahmanda Kelas : 1 A NIM : 2108130013 Today, i make a sentence relative pronoun. Although wrong but i am know how make a sentence the true. Thanks mom lilies youlia :D
Nama : Susi Susanti Kelas : 1 A NIM : 2108130095 today, I make the sentence subject pronoun. I am happy because I make one sentence no mistake again. Hehe :D. Thanks miss Lilies Youlia
miss lilies youlia at this meeting I apologized because I came a little late, but thank God miss lilies youlia still allow the entry of the room and take the classes I promise not to repeat it again. I was also a bit of trouble regarding this meeting is about (naund), but in a way that I like to teach the mother still feels happy and relaxed but still serious
13 March 2014 the fourth meeting of the English language courses. on meeting that I learned about introductions, greetings and partings. proceed to make the pronoun sentence, and for the first time there is a homework.Thank you lecturer lilies...
Impression of attending in the English language today, very enjoyable. after studying the various types of sentences such as subject pronouns, object pronuns, possesive pronouns and relative pronouns little by little I can understand them, so I can learn to make examples of the sentence. Thank's Mrs. Lilies.
Name : Rini Indrawati Class : 1 A NIM : 2108130066
material discussed last Thursday was about the subject pronouns, object pronouns, adjective pronouns, possesive pronouns, I really like the material of the object pronouns miss explained, because of easy to understand, everything is well understood, but what I like about object pronouns, miss told us make sentences about the 4 earlier, and miss correcting words one by one we made on the board, and I am very happy with the teaching of lilies .. thanks miss miss miss lilies of the material lilies love for us all ...! !
March 13, 2014 the fourth meeting of the English courses. I learned at a meeting of the introductions, greetings and partings. continue to make the pronoun sentence, and I can a little bit. thanks miss lilies ..
20 March 2014 Today is the fifth meeting of the English language courses. begins with checking homework and nearly one satu.kemudian we were given questions about to be 25 and from about the wrong that was done only 4 questions
This time I am happy, because I answered the quiz correct 22 of 25. so I do not have to sing in front of friends. I would be very embarrassed if I have to sing in front of friends, because my voice is not melodious
I was very happy yesterday, because I am answering the quiz lilies give a miss. so I do not have to sing in front of friends. I would be very embarrassed if I had to sing in front of friends, because my voice is not good to hear ..
Name : Siti Aisah Class : 1 B NIM : 2108130091 thank you for yesterday the 20th of March 2014. A great way of learning and kreatif.sampai meet tomorrow, 27 March 2014
On 27 March 2014 should be the sixth meeting, but did not attend because of mrs.Lilies we finally go home because that day only one subject is English.
Today dear mother happy once studied with lilies, especially when we were told to answer the quiz and the answer is d order in exchange with a friend, in a quiz. And that hurts a lot kalu told to sing next, but time does not allow, anyway it's mother told the blog post about my boyfriend.
subject today is the English language, and certainly meet again with the mother as a Lecturer lilies youlia subjects. But to this day a little bit disappointed because Ms. influx of late, but on the other hand I was happy over the mother's pregnancy, healthy hope always yes ma'am ..? and for the lesson today is very challenging because a lot of quizzes that must be filled. tense ..! very, very stressful. but I am still happy with lilies youlia mother. thank you miss.
Why I love my courtship yes ma'am, because the first one was him good attention, courteous, and I also know his parents very same close, but sometimes love sucks too, I got in touch with him has been a year, a year that I had dropped out yambung then again, so in a year's time it was a lot of problems, yes his name is also courting definitely a lot of problems, maybe it's the spice in courtship. Gini yes mom, I like to not understand him, he is a good person so loving, but he's a very jealous yeah, basically he ngatur-ngatur, continue to not be anywhere near each other guy.
I am very happy today, because the quiz earlier .. miss you so much wrong .. jugabelajar understand his name, but today I am very happy .. thank you miss :)
Nama : Eva Yulianti Class : 1 A NIM : 2108120090 impression of attending in the English language today is so thrilling, because the re-filling matter in the form of a quiz that requires good concentration so as not to be mistaken in the answer. but I am thankful, because after examination results are quite satisfactory. This may be a valuable lesson for me, so that later I can fill in the repeat questions well. thank you miss lilies.
I am very happy today, where I can be reunited with the mom lilies youlia. learn english, laugh together, of course, do not forget the lessons fun. Thankyou today, see you next week.
english course on Thursday yesterday quite difficult because they have to answer twenty-five questions are divided into three parts and all three were about me just wrong. all because teaching mrs lilies are light and easy to understand.Thank Mrs.Lilies
note: sorry I am late sending this reflection because of forgetfulness and busy for some activities
english courses meeting on Thursday, I was very happy because I'm doing quiz that just wrong four of the twenty-five questions. see you next time. thanks mrs lilies :-)
Name : Neng Hamdah Nurazizah Class : 1B Nim : 2108130127 at the seventh meeting of the english lesson very fun at all, let alone in filling exercises matter, I am very happy because it can train us in filling the questions in English, thank miss lilis science has given me.
Name : Nova Novianti NIM : 2108130015 Class : 1 B Learning English at the seventh meeting very enjoyable, especially with the miss gave quiz. Even if my answer is correct only twenty, but I am still happy and grateful though not all right. Hopefully we can meet at the next meeting, thanks miss lilis ......
hello miss, if god make the rainbow for the sky so god make you for we. for learning english language, with quiz we know what our mistake. so thanks for you :)
hi ma'am, oh yes to the first and second meeting of the lessons my mother did not follow the study due to illness, it feels sad for not knowing all the material submitted by the mother at the meeting. I apologize in advance. thank you
The second meeting I was very pleased to learn English, because a lot of the knowledge I get a lot of jokes and the same mother, so learning is not saturated.
Learning English at the seventh meeting very enjoyable, especially with the miss gave quiz. Even if my answer is correct only twenty, but I am still happy and grateful though not all right. Hopefully we can meet at the next meeting, thanks miss lilis ......
in the meeting on 6 March 2014 we make a sentencs about dream land. i feel very happy about that because with that i imagening my dream. so thanks for that. nice to meet you miss :D
I think learn English is very happy, cause English is a very common language and was made the official language to communicate around the world so it's very important that can master the English language. the first meeting of yesteryear during so so fun even though it is a bit tense at the moment of introduction and conversation but I am very glad to learn the English language well and properly.
Nama : Anah Sulistiawati Cllas : 1 B NIM : 2108130075 special english quizzes weeks ago I was very happy because there are a lot more harm than me. so I'm not in the law, eg thanks.
Nama:Wiwin hujaemah Kelas:1 B NIM:2108130105 am very happy with the lesson quiz, because it can train our brain directly, if possible every msuk quiz held
Nama:Wiwin hujaemah Kelas:1 B NIM:2108130105 assalammualaikum.. i'm sorry mom I just sent one comment because my new gmail and I've made a new gmail but can not connect. I love teaching English, but I have not been so proficient in grammar pronunciation as well, and I also love to learn the same mother as well make my mother happy, not tense. and in my learning quickly understand what the mother says. i think enough . thank you very much mom :)
I thank God after studying the syllabus pretty cool and fun as it is done in a way the result is a lot of discussion that some of them are quite difficult to understand, but in general many who understand
Name : Siti Aisah Class : 1 B NIM : 2108130091 Lilis hello sorry my mom sends her blog late. Learning that has been taught hopefully it can be understood. Through learning ways creative and inovative. I'll see you tomorrow again, I wait.
Name : Neng Hamdah Nurazizah Class : 1B Nim : 2108130127
After I studied the English language material into four, five and seven, I gain so much knowledge about how where the way we use English to apologize, and I also learned an English article into Indonesian, so I can know vocab I do not know yet .Thank you has given me knowledge.
Name : Nova Novianti Class : 1-B NIM : 2108130015 after studying the material unit 4, unit 5, and 7 units I got a lot of knowledge. But there are also few who do not understand. I hope to meet again with the miss in the upcoming meeting. thank you miss.
Name : Entin Surtini Class : 1B NIM : 2108130021 Sorry my Mom last meeting time mother could not attend classes, because I'm sakit.Tapi I've learned lessons in the book module of the first chapter until chapter terakhir.Tapi I understand there are less fit in terakhir.Mudah chapter I hope later I can fit UTS.
I am very happy today, because the quiz earlier .. miss you so much wrong .. jugabelajar understand his name, but today I am very happy .. thank you miss :)
Name : Rini Indrawati Class : 1 A NIM : 2108130066
after studying Unit 4, Unit 5, and 7 units, I got a lot of knowledge. But there are also some who do not understand. I hope to meet again with lilies miss the next meeting, because a lot of material that is less understood than the unit 4 s / d 7 except 6 I did not learn.
Name : Deti Oktaviani Class : 1 B NIM : 2108130098 I think learning with fun because my mom a little bit to understand the material presented by the mother is also in English language learning with the mother can be described one by one, so quickly understand. Thank you.
of the book that is given in order to understand the mother of my little understanding of the material, because the material is there are easy and some are difficult. of which I have not been able to understand difficult the material. thank you
after I learned along the unit 4. Units 5 and 6 units were assigned a mother, I understand a little bit .. but it would be more schools if the mother tried to explain it .. fill exercises as much as possible
Assalamualaikum mother Lilis Actually I do not understand all especially with the use of TO BE in making sentences. Hopefully tomorrow I can do the test well lilis mother. Amin
Impression english assignment this time was quite difficult, because I did not master the material. But because the task is done together with friends one class, seemed to be lighter. We can exchange thoughts and opinions until eventually the task of filling these problems can be solved. Thank you mrs. Lilies ...
hi mom, sorry late blog post At last week's meeting of the English quiz was very stressful but fun and exciting.Because with english quiz can measure the extent to which our understanding after studying the material we have learned. ..
Name : Sri Dewi Nopianti Class : 1B NIM : 2108130044
Quiz time, luckily I was wrong only a few so do not have to go to the front to sing in English, because I too memorized baseball and can not sing the English language.
After my study material english units 4, 5, and 7, I quite understand, but many do not understand.And I expect next meeting mother could further clarify the matter further discussion of units 4, 5, and 7 so that we can all understand. Thank you
Name : Sri Dewi Nopianti Class : 1B NIM : 2108130044
And again the quiz again, makes me tense because many false fear, lest my quiz results much later that one, which I feared was told the next singing in English, it is less memorized my singing English.
Name : Pipit Fitriani Class : 1-B NIM : 2108130022
after I learned about the material to be learned in the book, I quite understand that about synonyms, antonyms, how to say the date in english, and also to learn again how to say the number in english and other materials. I quite understand it but for the application of the sentence I am still not able to, because the vocabulary in the English language that is still a few that I mastered. so when matching synonyms and antonyms sentence I was trouble, and also sometimes difficult to interpret long passages with difficult vocabulary. though as I really like and enjoy in learning the English language.
After learning of English language books, the material on synonyms, antonyms, how to say the date in english, and also to learn again how to say the number in english and other materials. I do not understand, it would be obvious if directly explained by mrs, is still much less understood. but there was little I could understand the material that has been taught before high school.
Sorry Miss, I'm late previously posted to this blog.From homework yesterday I had trouble learning, but luckily I was helped by seniors. learn English the fun. I love learning with Miss. I was very fortunate to learn English with Miss. Thank you Miss. Do not get bored teaching our class. :)
Name : Susi Susanti Class : 1A NIM : 2108130095 after I studied units 4, 5, and 7. I understand passable, so the time before test (UTS), me and my friends studying together to discuss the problems that exist in units 4, 5, and 7
mother, whether the mother will not teach again in class a and b ...? dede still miss my mother's way of teaching, which is relaxed but serious then like to entertain by having students sing when most students had lower grades. the health of the mother may be given by the gods ...
Name : Rifki Alfian Program Study : Agribusiness Faculty : Agriculture
Assalamu’alaikum Mom, good afternoon. Mom, this the answer of my homework,
5 example of present tense sentences: - Annisa drinks tea with her mother in the morning. - Ryan always plays soccer in every afternoon. - He’s tired after hard work. - She walks beside me today. - I eat bananas and apples this morning.
Name : Gumgum Octaviana NIM : 5009130033 Class :IIIA Program Study : Agribusiness Faculty : Agriculture
asalamualaikum, Good morning mom, this is the task make 5 sentence present tense
1.Rian always play online games everyday 2.She makes the task of the English language at home 3.he go to school on a motorcycle 4.the sun rises from the east and the earth is round 5.He studies english everyday
Name : Cica Nurlia NIM : 5009130057 Class : II A Program Study : Agribusiness Faculty : Agriculture
Assalamu’alaikum Mom, good afternoon. Mom, this the answer of my homework,
5 example of present tense sentences: I am happy They go to market every week I am slim and beautiful I learn in Galuh University She is smart and diligent
Name : Nendi Nugraha Program Study : Agribusiness Faculty : Agriculture
5 example of present tense sentences: - I have five car. - She eats fried chicken. - He cooks for his girlsfriend. - Rian falls in the bathroom. - Bird lives in the tree.
Name : Turangga Raka Siwi Program Study : Agribusiness Faculty : Agriculture
5 example of present tense sentences: - Mr.Randy and his wife watch television. - My sister cooks a cake for me. - I drink coffee with my grandfather - They eat meatball everyday. - He goes to the mountain every weekend.
Name : Rini Harleni Class : 2A NIM : 5009130001 Faculty of Agriculture
Assalamualaikum. Good night, Miss.
This is example of present tense sentences : - Mr. Jono reads a newspaper every morning. - I make a cup coffee. - He is handsome and very rich. - Windi goes to campus by bus. - she drives a motocycle.
Name : Yunus Kurniawan Program Study : Agribusiness Faculty : Agriculture
5 example of present tense sentences: - she drinks a glass of milk to night. - My father go to office today - I'm confuse with math - We are study engglish every tuesday - Joko is my brother
Name : Ima Purnamasari Program Study : Agribusiness Faculty : Agriculture
- Water always flows to the lower place - I am tired - I always pray five times a day - He is handsome and smart - He tells me that he will never leave me alone
Name : Ega Meigania Nim : 5009130107 Class : II B Program Study : Agribusiness Faculty : Agriculture
Assalamuala'kum wr wb,,,,,Good afternoon, mom.
5 example of present tense sentences: - I am single - He gets money easily - Farhan goes to school every day. - Selly drives a car - Fahmi drinks a glass of milk
He gets money easily They learn English together She always washer her face before going to bed I love you Water flows the highland to the lowland
Name : Iin Nurmala Class : 2a Program study : Agribussiness Faculty : Agriculture
Assalamualaikum, miss.
5 example of present tense sentences : - The fire is hot - She is clever. - Anita sweeps the floor every morning. - I drink a glass of orange juice. - I am lonely.
Name : Maya Nurbayati Class : 2B Program Study : Agribussiness Faculty : Agriculture
- She is beautiful and long hair. - I study religion in Pesantren Daarul Ulum everyday. - I am confused. - He works in the Flower Garden. - I go to class for study English.
You eat the rice eviriday : Kamu makan setiap hari He oversleep : Dia bangun kesiangan I feel sad today : Saya merasa sedih hari ini He learn bifore examination : Dia belajar sebelum ulangan I work in an office : Saya bekerja dikantor
Name : Raka Djatnika Program Study : Agribusiness Faculty : Agriculture
Nick drink a coffee in the morning. She is pretty girl. He is handsome boy. Rudi always plays a game in the class. Mr. Smith always drinks coffee in the afternoon.
Name : Yuwanda Riswara Program Study : Agribusiness Faculty : Agriculture
She is beautiful I clean the house everyday. She eats meatball. She is fat. He is works in a office.
Name : Agis Herdiana Program Study : Agribusiness Faculty : Agriculture
I help my mother. I clean my motorcycle everyday. He eats a bread for a breakfast. Anton plays tennis on Saturday. I live in Ciamis.
Name : Aji Ruzhan B Program Study : Agribusiness Faculty : Agriculture
He is learns English in the class his friend. Tiffany is beautiful and sexy for me. My Mother is beautiful. I am hungry. The have four handphones. Name : Sutedi Agussoleh Program Study : Agribusiness Faculty : Agriculture
He goes to school. Bird flys in the sky. He watchs television. My Mother need help. I celebrate my birthday at home.
Name : Gilar Dinary Program Study : Agribusiness Faculty : Agriculture
She watchs a movie with her boyfriend. She plays with my heart. The sun rises in the east. I like fruits soup. I am handsome
Name : Bubun Bunawan Program Study : Agribusiness Faculty : Agriculture
I like her. Betty sings a song. Jhon runs very slow. Milk gives health. She cooks in the kitchen
Name : Ayi Pitriana Program Study : Agribusiness Faculty : Agriculture
I am fat. I like fried rice. I have two cats. I run better than you. She loves me.
Name : Yusf Zamaludin Program Study : Agribusiness Faculty : Agriculture
My Mother washs my hand. Milla hurts my heart. He wrecks my birthday. She writes a letter. My Mother cleans a kitchen.
Name : Didik Lesmana Program Study : Agribusiness Faculty : Agriculture
Hanny eats meatball. She is sexy. He works in the Paris. Nana plays volley ball on Sunday. I live in Bandung.
Name : Tesa Prodiansah Program Study : Agribusiness Faculty : Agriculture
My Father is handsome. I am sick. She goes to market. She buys a bag. My Father needs help.
Name : Adi Kurnia Program Study : Agribusiness Faculty : Agriculture
I like soda. I clean the bedroom everytime. I have two dogs in my home. He loves me. She reads a book.
Name : Dida Makrami Program Study : Agribusiness Faculty : Agriculture
I wash my cloth alone. They have six dolls. I am smart. Ryan runs very speed. Agnes Monica sings a song in Paris last week.
Robi Nurdiana 2A Reguler 5009130017 Faculty of agriculture
Halo mom, The present tense! -I am sleepy (how people feel) -We play skate board every day (actions that happen from time to time) -she is a very pretty girl (what people look like) -he driver in istana merdeka (things that never change) -I am busy (how people feel)
Name : Cicih cahyati Class : A reguler NIM : 5009130012 Program Study : Agribusiness Faculty : Agriculture
Examples of simple present tense 1. Things that never change ( He live in ciamis ) 2. How people feel ( Iam alone ) 3. Action that happen from time of time ( Ani sweeps the floor every day ) 4. What people look like ( 1.He is tall and charming ) ( 2.She is diligent and handsome )
Name : Anwar Hidayat Class : 2 B NIM : 5009130129 Subject : English Lecturer : Lilies Youlia Priatin, S.S.,M.Pd.BI. Faculty : Agriculture
The examples of simple present tense : 1. Terry brings an English dictionary to the school everyday. 2. Rahma always eats fried rice every morning in her house. 3. The students always read al – qur’an in their class every Monday. 4. My Mother goes to the market every week. 5. They play badminton every Sunday.
Name : Dini Astria Program Study : Agribusiness Faculty : Agriculture
Name :Rusidi NIM :5009130122 Semester : III Class B Regular Program Study :Agribusines Faculty :Agriculture
Present Tense 1.I go to garden every day (Saya pergi ke kebun setiap hari) 2.It sleeps every noon (Ia tidur setiap siang) 3.They swim every Sunday (Mereka berenang setiap Minggu) 4.She is beautiful and smart (Dia cantik dan pintar) 5.I am Confused and sad (Saya bingung dan sedih)
Name : Susi Susanti
ReplyDeleteClass : 1A
Before I meet miss Lilies, I very afraid because, I can't speak english language. But, I will study. greeting with miss Lilies very comportable and happy, thanks miss lilies. :-)
Name : Keuis Rista Ristiana
ReplyDeleteClass : 1A
My first impression in learning English was so fun eventough in the begining I thought I was so difficult. however, after doing it English is so fascinating. Thanks Miss Lilies :)
Name ; Selpiyani
ReplyDeleteClass ; 1 A
Infact, English is not really difificult as I taught because if we want to learn it seriously it will be easy. My be just because of lazyness and unknown that make me think that way. However, as far as I learn it I find it's really fun. Thank miss Lilies.. :)
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ReplyDeleteName : Rini Indrawati
ReplyDeleteClass : 1 A
for the first meeting of the English language courses, majoring in Indonesian 1A class very fun for me personally ... that made my miss happy with the course, the beautiful miss first, then good, and gives very good material, and the miss is very friendly and do not make students tense ...! thank Miss Lilies :)
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DeletecourseName : Dede Latif
ReplyDeleteClass : 1 A
from elementary school through college I honestly do not like the English language and therefore I decided to major in Indonesian language and literature teacher, but after meeting the mother in the English language courses in the second semester of the mother is enough to make me more interested in learning English because it is mandatory for all faculty, how mothers deliver English lessons in the first meeting yesterday was very fun, especially for me but do not know my other classmates, I hope my future more and more like the English language that obviously I like the way the mother deliver this course
Nama : Nevisa Ainul F
ReplyDeletekelas : 1 A
The first meeting of the course's mother, in the Indonesian 1A class is very fun for me. that makes me comfortable learning at a very good mother because the mother and also a very good way of teaching ... hopefully in the future I can spirit .. thank you
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ReplyDeleteName: Eva Yulianti
DeleteClass: 1 A
I really feel happy with the english language courses, in addition to lecturers beautiful, good, and cheap smile. also how to teach it is not boring, so I am more motivated to learn English .. thank you miss ...! :)
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ReplyDeleteName : Bella Putri Ahmanda
ReplyDeleteClass : 1 A
I feel happy can in to class 1a. Friend’s are so kind to me. They are very gratifying. Lucturer’s also kind. I’m studied English by Miss Lilies Youlia today . Her is friendly,kind and smiling. And first impression make me enjoyed.
Name : Rofiqotun hikmah
ReplyDeleteClass : 1 A
I think English class, not the origin of the difficulty was the beginning we liked the first lesson, it will be easier to master and learn,
hopefully I can be comfortable in teaching by miss lilies :)
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ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteName : Rizki Sobandi
ReplyDeleteClass : 1 B
I first learned at Mrs. Lilis I feel happy because I have found the faculty as well as Mrs. Lilis, because I could easily understand what was described by I first learned at I first learned at Mrs. Lilis I feel happy because I have found the faculty as well as Mrs. Lilis, because I could easily understand what was described by the mother, the Mrs. Lilis was friendly and smiling, hopefully at home mother taught in class 1 B.. thank you Mrs. Lilis ,sorry if there are any words
Name : Anah Sulistiawati
ReplyDeleteClass : 1 B
hay miss...
so far I am pleased with the courses that the mother gave.
I will hopefully be more able and understand English.
and also hopefully I can follow the course with a good miss and I certainly could add insight into English.
name : iis siti sopiah
ReplyDeleteclass : 1A
Hello miss, how are you ? i hope yuo are fine.
in the first meeting, although the dialogue visual did in high school, but make we to study again. and in our first meeting very passionate. so, i hope that for next time our metting we can accept english better than last our meeting.
name: galih dimas pradani
ReplyDeleteclass: 1. A
first impression I now follow courses
very enjoyable mother, unlike what I
felt during high school, the submission
of any material easy to digest
Name : Neng Hamdah Nurazizah
ReplyDeleteClass : 1B
Impression of the first day was very fun to learn english at all, let alone in the English language lecturer added that good and beautiful. Honestly I love the high school English class english language support because I think it's very important, especially the English international language so I must try to understand and comprehend the language inggris.dan I think learning English was very pleasant at all, and the first day learn english language support with faculty named bu lilis really very pleasant. hopefully I can follow the lessons in this course english well.
Name : Lusi Yustian Rahayu
ReplyDeleteClass : 1 A
I think learn English is very happy, cause English is a very common language and was made the official language to communicate around the world so it's very important that can master the English language. the first meeting of yesteryear during so so fun even though it is a bit tense at the moment of introduction and conversation but I am very glad to learn the English language well and properly.
name : wiwin hujaemah
ReplyDeleteclass : 1b
hi miss
i'm glad learning english language with you but i can't not speaking i hope can english profesional if i lear with you mis.thanks
note : i'm sorry because my acount can't open.
Name : Zulva Triasih
ReplyDeleteClass : 1 A
Lilies is english lecturer. she is a new llecturer in my class. because when i still in semester 1, there is no english subject. and today, teacher in my class. she has given the matrerial about greating, introduction and parting. but, only greating tha she has explained to us, she is very nice, lecturer, she can explained the material clearly, so we can understand what is explains . i hope she can give me the motivation in a learing english subject .. !! thank you miss .. :)
Name : Nova Novianti
ReplyDeleteClass : 1 B
I'am sorry miss, because my blog can not be opened.
My impression at the first meeting of the English language courses are very enjoyable, in learning English is in need processes and perseverance. I though of study programs in Indonesian but also must be able to speak English because English is the international language. for that I hope I can follow the course with good english with miss.
Name : Siti Aisah
ReplyDeleteclass : 1B
sorry miss I use a friend's blog, because my blog can not open
Impression message after learning English
Learning English fun despite many obstacles because we have to understand that in spoken or in writing. In addition to her professor a fun way of teaching that is also easy to understand.
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ReplyDeleteName : Wiwin Yulia
ReplyDeleteClass : 1B
NIM : 2108130053
The first meeting to learn English was very fun, exciting, unsaturated, in presenting the material very easy to understand, and I love the process of learning a relaxed but serious.
Name : Dani Nuriadin
ReplyDeleteClass : 1A
My first impressions following the lecture course english is very happy because I was in the English language can only interpret and less in terms of speaking English. I hope I can overcome these shortcomings by following this course.Thank you Miss lilies
Name : Pipit Fitriani
ReplyDeleteClass : 1B
NIM : 2108130022
The first impression at the first meeting of learning,fun,not boring,what is conveyed easily understood.Teaching is not too fas so that it can easily be understood well.Study methods was serious but relaxed.The first task was to create a very pleasant conversation i think i can train to be able to conduct a concerversation in english very well.
Name : Trian Haniepa
ReplyDeleteClass : 1B
NIM : 2108130028
The first day learning english with mrs Lilies very enjoy,so make me compertable,lesson conveyed indirectly hard,so very detail,and thanks mrs already justify when a me wrong in pronounciation of the english langue.
Name : Niken Kartika Ningrum
ReplyDeleteClass : 1B
NIM :2108130146
Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb
i think about english lesson today is pleased fun and not maked bord to learning english lesson althought rather spechless when conversation and i like teach metods english lesson today slowly but serious so easy to understanding the lesson.
i think enough,thank you
name : ilah rohilah
ReplyDeleteclass : 1 B
"Impression Of English Lesson Today"
In my opinion about english lesson today very happy. Because i a lot of practicetd to speak english language with my friend. Althought we spoke in correct and i did not too understood but i loved to speak english.
First time i studied english language when i was Elementary School, and at the time i felt english was strange language because it the first time i know. But for a longtime i felt i was funy.
So i'am very happy with studied english language.
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ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteName : Ida Agustinuraida
ReplyDeleteClass : 1B
My Opinion About English To Day
I very happy to study english to day, bicause we practicited to make conversation with friend's althought the difficult but l thought it was happy. Bicause english language is international language. l studied english when l was child, l didn't know about what wiss english language but after l heard, l thought l liked english very much, with the words that didnot canmon.
Name : Entin Surtini
ReplyDeleteClass : 1B
the secondary school, I do not understand I am happy to learn english before, though initially teanse. Honestly I do not understand the englis lessons, from especially if the teacher fierce and less in the way of teaching to understand it’s very make me lazy. Bat when the new mother was the first to come to my class see how mother teacher not to make me enjoy tegang and I can understand what she teacher and commands, the way I like it when professors teacher, relaxed bat easy to understand and hopefully what has been mother had taught be a benefit to me, that I was not knowing to knowing. Amen
ReplyDeleteKELAS : 1 A
Today I studied about Simple Present Tenses. All student make sentence about hope today. And I hope today can meet mom and dad, I will hug and say I love you forever. Obvious, make a sentence Simple Present Tenses it easy, with a moment time I can do it.
Name : Susi Susanti
ReplyDeleteNIM : 2108130095
Class : 1A
Today I was so embarrased because in making english sentences still wrong. But, from my experience, I will prove that tomorrow will be better.
Name : Keuis Rista Ristiana
ReplyDeleteNIM : 2108130032
Class : 1A
To day I had pleasure of studying with Miss Lilis. I can come to know what I knew before and I can express my hope today. Anyway studied with Miss Lilis fun and not stressful. Although his courses difficult.
Name ; Selpiyani
ReplyDeleteNIM ; 2108130033
Class; 1A
Learning English is very exciting day, learning about the greeating. And after the correction in font of the class I finally know where the error. thanks mom,, ;)
Name : Siti Aisah
ReplyDeleteNIM : 2108130091
Class : 1 B
This day was very fun to learn English in a way that is fast delivery lilis mother and easy to understand. Hopefully future lilis mother can provide materials in a way that is quick and easy to understand again. Thank you for this day.
Name : Nova Novianti
ReplyDeleteNIM : 2108130015
Class : 1 B
I'am sorry miss, because my blog can not be opened
This day of fun to meet and learn English with miss. I can figure out how to write the correct expectations. Hopefully at the next meeting could be fun again.
Thank you miss....
Name : Entin Surtini
ReplyDeleteClass : 1B
fun lesson today, and add insight for me. I hope today's lesson better in the days to come.
Name : Neng Hamdah Nurazizah
ReplyDeleteClass : 1B
english lessons follow the same day as the first meeting fun and very happy, and can add knowledge related to the English language more, hopefully at the next meeting better and more enjoyable.
thanks to my professor beloved.
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ReplyDeleteName : Lusi Yustian Rahayu
ReplyDeleteNIM : 2108130092
Class : 1A
Good afternoon miss lilis,
English make happy today, thank you verymuch for giving me lessons very interisting and fun that make me never bored, i hope that I can learn well again at the next meet.
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ReplyDeleteName : Sri Dewi Nopianti
ReplyDeleteNIM : 2108130044
Class : 1B
In the first meeting is quite memorable, fun, I hope that in subsequent meetings as well as it is, how to convey the material is quite understandable, and I like the same way the mother in delivering the material.
Name : Sri Dewi Nopianti
ReplyDeleteNIM : 2108130044
Class : 1B
At the second meeting, again better than the first meeting, as was told to the future to write our expectations in today's on board, hoping that at the next meeting again is better than the first and second meeting earlier.
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ReplyDeleteNama : Rofiqotun hikmah
ReplyDeleteNim : 2108130006
Class : 1 A
The second meeting learning english fun does not make tense, and as I wish this day would like to be better than ever.
hopefully in the next meeting could be easier to learn and understand this lesson :)
Nama : Ilah Rohilah
ReplyDeleteNim : 2108130065
class: 1B
Lesson English language today about expectation. Expectation than a cartain desirability which we tired, however including carried out.
when i study English language it was my happiness, especially stadied to read English language. wow..... i felt spirit very much.
Name : Rini Indrawati
ReplyDeleteClass : 1 A
precisely this morning on Thursday, February 27, is the second meeting in the subject English. in this meeting that we are talking about the "present simple" and we need to make our expectations a sentence today. after that we wrote on the board, then Miss examine our task one by one. in fact, there are so many mistakes that we have done. and most of the errors we are about how to put the words correctly .. so, we know what mistakes we have made in writing sentences and in learning English. I hope that the next meeting would be better. We were all pleased to learn English with Miss Lilies, including my own, hopefully Miss Lilies unsaturated to teach us .. Thank you Miss lilies :)
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ReplyDeletename : Zulva Triasih
ReplyDeleteClass : 1 A
this morning exactly on thursday, februari 27, was the second meeting in english subject. in that meeting we were talking about "simple present" and we must made an expecting sentences or our willing today. after that we wrote than in a whiteboard, then the lecturer checked our assignment one by one. in fact, there was so many mistakes we have done. and the most of our mistakes was about how to put the words and hot can we used the determine. so that, we knew what the mistakes we have done in writing sentence and in learning english. i hope next meeting will be better.
Name: Yuli Arianti
ReplyDeleteClass : 1 A
I think the impression was quite fun in learning, and I can add to the knowledge of the meaning and present tense were can recite the alphabet letter properly .
Name : Nevisa Ainul F
ReplyDeleteClass : 1 A
lessons I received from Miss morning, which is about the pronunciation of the letters in the English alphabet are true, and how to make correct sentences, spelling out the letters and make words in the English language was not easy.
Name : Dani Nuriadin
ReplyDeleteClass : 1A
Thursday, Februrary 27 2014 is the second meeting of the English language courses.I think it's fun because this time learning about the phrase "expectation today",and sentences that I made no corrections or errors at all, which means pretty good.Thank you professor Lilies
Name : Anah Sulistiawati
ReplyDeleteClass : 1 B
thanks miss, I was very happy this morning with miss learning to give, because I can express my expectations. even though I do not understand English, but I will keep trying to understand.
Name : Eva Yulianti
ReplyDeleteClass : 1 A
Impression learning English today, very enjoyable. although I often had difficulty in stringing words into the English language. but hopefully it can be a motivation for me, in order to study harder again. thank you miss lilies. :)
Name : Galih Dimas Pradani
ReplyDeleteClass : 1A
my impression today was very
pleasant, though it was wrong but
did not make me give up. all the
Explanations understandable and
mother over the mother thank you
can change my thinking about the
English language.
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ReplyDeleteName : Dede Latif
ReplyDeleteClass : 1A
This is the second meeting expectations as well as the conversation, thank God still fun but I have not fully know how to read the letters A to Z hopefully better future and to teach mothers how to maintain because it is very happy, especially for me
Name : Wiwin Yulia
ReplyDeleteNIM : 2108130053
Class : 1B
The second meeting was to learn English more enjoy my feelings from previous meetings, more fun, not stressful and very enjoyable because it feels the time is so fleeting.
Nama : Pipit Fitriani
ReplyDeleteNIM : 2108130022
Class : 1-B
learning English at the second meeting, very fun and enjoy the learning. at the second meeting, learn to arrange the words in the simple past tense and introductions. I find it difficult initially but it turned out I could. in learning simple past tense it easier if directly into the sentence, rather than using the formula.
Name : Ina Nurul Inayah
ReplyDeleteNIM : 2108130117
Class : I-B
Meeting of the two in learning English, very pleasant although assigned to arrange the words using the English language about hope these days, the first difficult but I could compose the word
Name : Nina Suryani
ReplyDeleteClass : 1 B
NIM : 2108130054
meeting of the two subjects in English, sounded fun and I liked the way of teaching mrs. lilies are relaxed and not boring and does not make me sleepy in class. subject to two meetings this reminds me of my english teacher used his time vocational teaching is very detailed and made me understand what it teaches. but mrs. sorry last week I've sent one task but I sent it.
Name : Trian Haniepa
ReplyDeleteClass : 1-B
NIM : 2108130028
At the second meeting to learn English quite happy because the body is a healthy condition so that it can accept the lesson well, and know in compiling word properly. I hope next week is more fun.
Name : Ida Agustinuraida
DeleteClass : 1B
Nim : 2108130128
learning is very happy today, in order to make sentences expectations today, I am very happy. thanks mom lilies.
Name : Anna Narisa Oktaviani
ReplyDeleteNIM : 2108130171
Grade / Class : 1 / A
to suggest learning English today thursday 27 february meeting of the two. it is so fun especially when writing these days to use your expectation tenses, the simple present tense. read the English alphabet, and I knw the difference became one determinant of an / a is the first letter in to sound whether vocal or consonant.
Thank you Mrs. Lilies :)
Name : Taufik Hidayat
ReplyDeleteClass : 1 B
I was very impressed at all following the English course.
because I actually do not like the English language, but after I became a mother administer likes. I am excited and eagerly to follow this course.
Nama : Susi Susanti
ReplyDeleteNIM : 2108130095
Class : 1A
Today of fun learning the English language, learning to read English conversation and imagination the dream land. If I have dream land, I want my land full of chocolate and flowers in whole of area, because I like chocolate and flowers. and I will eat chocolate until satisfied.
Name : Dede Latif
ReplyDeleteNIM : 2108130043
Class : 1A
The fourth meeting with the mother was still cool, I started to love the English language and at least the way I wanted to be able to talk or dialogue, but it all takes process
Name ; Selpiyani
ReplyDeleteClass ; 1 A
NIM ; 2108130033
Thank mom, yesterday i'm learning english can imagination the dream land. I'm so happy. If i have a dream land, i can treefull pinus and beautifull plower.
Name : Keuis Rista Ristiana
ReplyDeleteNIM : 2108130032
Class : 1A
Yesterday, I'm so have fun learn English language. I can express my imagination about the dream land. Not only is it, we also learn conversation and mention alphabet. For next week I want learn read the text. Thank's for yesterday Miss.. :)
Name : Bella Putri Ahmanda
ReplyDeleteNIM : 2108130013
Class : 1A
Today, I studied still about simple present tenses, but same can't yesterdey. Mom Lilies give a sentence about "dream land". And to do student make a sentence from sentence it. I make a sentence is " if I have a dream land, I wish many people loved together". But a sentence is false. Mom Lilies can happy and enjoy repair sentence it become "is I have a dream land, I can live there with everyone who loved me. Thank Mom Lilies :)
Name : Dani Nuriadin
ReplyDeleteClass : 1A
NIM :2108130138
English course on Thursday 6 March 2014 was very exciting because I can memorize dialogue and conversation without text reads smoothly alphabet.After that make a sentence on the island of dreams and I wrote that in the dream island many hidden treasures because I like solving puzzles. thank you Professor Lilies
note: sorry I'm late to make the task of this opinion because I forgot to thank you
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ReplyDeleteName : Rini Indrawati
ReplyDeleteclass : 1 A
last week I was very excited because learning about tenses, and the mother gave the sentence about "dream land", making the sentence and I made the phrase "if I have the dream land, then I will invite my parents there", but the mother fixing words we've made very carefully. and I am very happy with the mother learning to say last week,, thanks .. sorry miss new lilies send now, because the new content modem .. :)
Name : Keuis Rista Ristiana
ReplyDeleteNIM : 2108130032
Class : 1A
Learning time is very enjoyable. especially about the types subject pronouns that have pronouns, object pronouns, possessive pronouns and relative pronouns. Each learning English with Miss Lilis would have been nice. Thank you Miss :)
Name : Selpiyani
ReplyDeleteNIM : 2108130033
Class : 1 A
Today is Thursday, where we learn English by mother Lilies Youlia.
Material presented today impressive once, where we learned about pronouns.
Learn how placement was in there.
I am very happy today, ..
Name : Neng Hamdah Nurazizah
ReplyDeleteClass : 1B
Nim : 2108130127
Meetings to four English lessons so much fun, and I was really very happy because today learning about pronouns, I really enjoyed the discussion, and I see the mother lilis getting more beautiful day, I become more enthusiasm for learning English.
Name : Siti Aisah
ReplyDeleteClass : 1 B
NIM : 2108130091
This day learning English with lilies mother very fun, because of the ways it teaches quickly understood by students. thank you for this day. I'll see you next week.
Name : Nova Novianti
ReplyDeleteClass : 1 B
NIM : 2108130015
Hi miss... learning English fun meeting all these four. Today to discuss the material pronouns and easy to understand. thank you miss for today and hopefully be able to meet again next week.
name : iis siti sopiah
ReplyDeleteclass : 1A
NIM : 2108130118
in the meeting on 6 March 2014 we make a sentencs about dream land. i feel very happy about that because with that i imagening my dream. so thanks for that. nice to meet you miss :D
ReplyDeleteCLASS : 1A
NIM : 2108130118
hi miss, i hope you very happy meet with us in the 1A class. ok so for my comment about fourth meeting on march 13,2014. i understand your explaining about greeting, introducetion,parting, pronuon ect. and we very happy study with you. :D
Name : Ida Agustinuraida
DeleteClass : 1B
Nim : 2108130128
learn English to suggest a meeting Thursday 6 maret.sangat fun once, when asked to make a sentence "dream land" make dreams. thanks lilis mother.
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DeleteName : Ilah Rohilah
ReplyDeleteclass : 1B
NIM : 2108130065
Lesson English Language on 6 March 2014 i'am verry happy, because about dream land. And i hope my dream can materialized. Amiiin.
i Very happy study with you miss Lilies youlia.
Name : Ida Agustinuraida
DeleteNim : 2108130128
Class : 1B
Today I am very happy to learn the mother, so I know about the placement of pronouns sentences greeting, happy to meet again next week mother.
Name : Ilah Rohilah
ReplyDeleteClass : 1B
NIM : 2108130065
hi miss..... to lesson today about greeting, introducetion, parting, pronuon ect, in my opinion it easy and gratifi.
i like with style teach you.
ask defense miss. thank :D
Nama : Bella putri ahmanda
ReplyDeleteKelas : 1 A
NIM : 2108130013
Today, i make a sentence relative pronoun. Although wrong but i am know how make a sentence the true. Thanks mom lilies youlia :D
Nama : Susi Susanti
ReplyDeleteKelas : 1 A
NIM : 2108130095
today, I make the sentence subject pronoun. I am happy because I make one sentence no mistake again. Hehe :D. Thanks miss Lilies Youlia
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteNama : Dede Latif
ReplyDeleteKelas : 1 A
NIM : 2108130043
miss lilies youlia at this meeting I apologized because I came a little late, but thank God miss lilies youlia still allow the entry of the room and take the classes I promise not to repeat it again. I was also a bit of trouble regarding this meeting is about (naund), but in a way that I like to teach the mother still feels happy and relaxed but still serious
Nama : Dani Nuriadin
ReplyDeleteKelas : 1A
NIM : 2108130138
13 March 2014 the fourth meeting of the English language courses. on meeting that I learned about introductions, greetings and partings. proceed to make the pronoun sentence, and for the first time there is a homework.Thank you lecturer lilies...
Name : Eva Yulianti
ReplyDeleteClass : 1 A
NIM : 2108120090
Impression of attending in the English language today, very enjoyable. after studying the various types of sentences such as subject pronouns, object pronuns, possesive pronouns and relative pronouns little by little I can understand them, so I can learn to make examples of the sentence. Thank's Mrs. Lilies.
Name : Rini Indrawati
ReplyDeleteClass : 1 A
NIM : 2108130066
material discussed last Thursday was about the subject pronouns, object pronouns, adjective pronouns, possesive pronouns, I really like the material of the object pronouns miss explained, because of easy to understand, everything is well understood, but what I like about object pronouns, miss told us make sentences about the 4 earlier, and miss correcting words one by one we made on the board, and I am very happy with the teaching of lilies .. thanks miss miss miss lilies of the material lilies love for us all ...! !
name : Nevisa ainul F
ReplyDeleteclass : 1 A
March 13, 2014 the fourth meeting of the English courses. I learned at a meeting of the introductions, greetings and partings. continue to make the pronoun sentence, and I can a little bit. thanks miss lilies ..
name:dani nuriadin
20 March 2014 Today is the fifth meeting of the English language courses. begins with checking homework and nearly one satu.kemudian we were given questions about to be 25 and from about the wrong that was done only 4 questions
Name : Susi Susanti
ReplyDeleteClass : 1A
NIM : 2108130095
This time I am happy, because I answered the quiz correct 22 of 25. so I do not have to sing in front of friends. I would be very embarrassed if I have to sing in front of friends, because my voice is not melodious
I was very happy yesterday, because I am answering the quiz lilies give a miss. so I do not have to sing in front of friends. I would be very embarrassed if I had to sing in front of friends, because my voice is not good to hear ..
ReplyDeleteName : Siti Aisah
ReplyDeleteClass : 1 B
NIM : 2108130091
thank you for yesterday the 20th of March 2014. A great way of learning and kreatif.sampai meet tomorrow, 27 March 2014
On 27 March 2014 should be the sixth meeting, but did not attend because of mrs.Lilies we finally go home because that day only one subject is English.
ReplyDeleteName : Ida Agustinuraida
ReplyDeleteclass : 1B
Today dear mother happy once studied with lilies, especially when we were told to answer the quiz and the answer is d order in exchange with a friend, in a quiz. And that hurts a lot kalu told to sing next, but time does not allow, anyway it's mother told the blog post about my boyfriend.
ReplyDeleteclass : 1B
Nim : 2108130065
subject today is the English language, and certainly meet again with the mother as a Lecturer lilies youlia subjects. But to this day a little bit disappointed because Ms. influx of late, but on the other hand I was happy over the mother's pregnancy, healthy hope always yes ma'am ..?
and for the lesson today is very challenging because a lot of quizzes that must be filled. tense ..! very, very stressful. but I am still happy with lilies youlia mother. thank you miss.
Why I love my courtship yes ma'am, because the first one was him good attention, courteous, and I also know his parents very same close, but sometimes love sucks too, I got in touch with him has been a year, a year that I had dropped out yambung then again, so in a year's time it was a lot of problems, yes his name is also courting definitely a lot of problems, maybe it's the spice in courtship. Gini yes mom, I like to not understand him, he is a good person so loving, but he's a very jealous yeah, basically he ngatur-ngatur, continue to not be anywhere near each other guy.
ReplyDeleteI am very happy today, because the quiz earlier .. miss you so much wrong .. jugabelajar understand his name, but today I am very happy .. thank you miss :)
ReplyDeleteNama : Eva Yulianti
ReplyDeleteClass : 1 A
NIM : 2108120090
impression of attending in the English language today is so thrilling, because the re-filling matter in the form of a quiz that requires good concentration so as not to be mistaken in the answer. but I am thankful, because after examination results are quite satisfactory. This may be a valuable lesson for me, so that later I can fill in the repeat questions well. thank you miss lilies.
Name: Selpiyani
ReplyDeleteClass: 1 A
NIM : 2108130033
I am very happy today, where I can be reunited with the mom lilies youlia. learn english, laugh together, of course, do not forget the lessons fun. Thankyou today, see you next week.
Name : Dani Nuriadin
ReplyDeleteClass : 1A
NIM :2108130138
english course on Thursday yesterday quite difficult because they have to answer twenty-five questions are divided into three parts and all three were about me just wrong. all because teaching mrs lilies are light and easy to understand.Thank Mrs.Lilies
note: sorry I am late sending this reflection because of forgetfulness and busy for some activities
Name : Susi Susanti
ReplyDeleteNIM : 2108130095
Class : 1A
english courses meeting on Thursday, I was very happy because I'm doing quiz that just wrong four of the twenty-five questions. see you next time. thanks mrs lilies :-)
Name : Neng Hamdah Nurazizah
ReplyDeleteClass : 1B
Nim : 2108130127
at the seventh meeting of the english lesson very fun at all, let alone in filling exercises matter, I am very happy because it can train us in filling the questions in English, thank miss lilis science has given me.
Name : Nova Novianti
ReplyDeleteNIM : 2108130015
Class : 1 B
Learning English at the seventh meeting very enjoyable, especially with the miss gave quiz. Even if my answer is correct only twenty, but I am still happy and grateful though not all right. Hopefully we can meet at the next meeting, thanks miss lilis ......
name : iis siti sopiah
ReplyDeletenim : 2108130118
class :1a
hello miss, if god make the rainbow for the sky so god make you for we. for learning english language, with quiz we know what our mistake. so thanks for you :)
nama : Deti Oktaviani
ReplyDeleteclass : 1B
NIM : 2108130098
hi ma'am, oh yes to the first and second meeting of the lessons my mother did not follow the study due to illness, it feels sad for not knowing all the material submitted by the mother at the meeting. I apologize in advance. thank you
name :taufik hidayat
The second meeting I was very pleased to learn English, because a lot of the knowledge I get a lot of jokes and the same mother, so learning is not saturated.
name:taufik hidayat
each meeting memorable, I really understand when mom explained and the mother gave quizzes that make my brain growing,,, thx teachers,
Learning English at the seventh meeting very enjoyable, especially with the miss gave quiz. Even if my answer is correct only twenty, but I am still happy and grateful though not all right. Hopefully we can meet at the next meeting, thanks miss lilis ......
in the meeting on 6 March 2014 we make a sentencs about dream land. i feel very happy about that because with that i imagening my dream. so thanks for that. nice to meet you miss :D
I think learn English is very happy, cause English is a very common language and was made the official language to communicate around the world so it's very important that can master the English language. the first meeting of yesteryear during so so fun even though it is a bit tense at the moment of introduction and conversation but I am very glad to learn the English language well and properly.
Nama : Anah Sulistiawati
ReplyDeleteCllas : 1 B
NIM : 2108130075
special english quizzes weeks ago I was very happy because there are a lot more harm than me.
so I'm not in the law, eg thanks.
Nama:Wiwin hujaemah
ReplyDeleteKelas:1 B
am very happy with the lesson quiz, because it can train our brain directly, if possible every msuk quiz held
Nama:Wiwin hujaemah
ReplyDeleteKelas:1 B
i'm sorry mom I just sent one comment because my new gmail and I've made a new gmail but can not connect.
I love teaching English, but I have not been so proficient in grammar pronunciation as well, and I also love to learn the same mother as well make my mother happy, not tense. and in my learning quickly understand what the mother says.
i think enough . thank you very much mom :)
ReplyDeleteCLASS : 1 A
I thank God after studying the syllabus pretty cool and fun as it is done in a way the result is a lot of discussion that some of them are quite difficult to understand, but in general many who understand
Name: Dani Nuriadin
ReplyDeleteClass: 1A
I was finally able to do the work that is given by the lecturer although some I do not understand.
Name : Siti Aisah
ReplyDeleteClass : 1 B
NIM : 2108130091
Lilis hello sorry my mom sends her blog late.
Learning that has been taught hopefully it can be understood. Through learning ways creative and inovative. I'll see you tomorrow again, I wait.
Name : Neng Hamdah Nurazizah
ReplyDeleteClass : 1B
Nim : 2108130127
After I studied the English language material into four, five and seven, I gain so much knowledge about how where the way we use English to apologize, and I also learned an English article into Indonesian, so I can know vocab I do not know yet .Thank you has given me knowledge.
Name : Nova Novianti
ReplyDeleteClass : 1-B
NIM : 2108130015
after studying the material unit 4, unit 5, and 7 units I got a lot of knowledge. But there are also few who do not understand. I hope to meet again with the miss in the upcoming meeting. thank you miss.
Name : Entin Surtini
ReplyDeleteClass : 1B
NIM : 2108130021
Sorry my Mom last meeting time mother could not attend classes, because I'm sakit.Tapi I've learned lessons in the book module of the first chapter until chapter terakhir.Tapi I understand there are less fit in terakhir.Mudah chapter I hope later I can fit UTS.
Name : Rini Indrawati
ReplyDeleteClass : 1 A
I am very happy today, because the quiz earlier .. miss you so much wrong .. jugabelajar understand his name, but today I am very happy .. thank you miss :)
Name : Rini Indrawati
ReplyDeleteClass : 1 A
NIM : 2108130066
after studying Unit 4, Unit 5, and 7 units, I got a lot of knowledge. But there are also some who do not understand. I hope to meet again with lilies miss the next meeting, because a lot of material that is less understood than the unit 4 s / d 7 except 6 I did not learn.
Name : Deti Oktaviani
ReplyDeleteClass : 1 B
NIM : 2108130098
I think learning with fun because my mom a little bit to understand the material presented by the mother is also in English language learning with the mother can be described one by one, so quickly understand. Thank you.
Name :Deti Oktaviani
ReplyDeleteClass :1 B
NIM : 2108130098
of the book that is given in order to understand the mother of my little understanding of the material, because the material is there are easy and some are difficult. of which I have not been able to understand difficult the material. thank you
Name : Nevisa Ainul F
DeleteClass : 1 A
after I learned along the unit 4. Units 5 and 6 units were assigned a mother, I understand a little bit .. but it would be more schools if the mother tried to explain it .. fill exercises as much as possible
Name : Siti Aisah
ReplyDeleteClass : 1B
NIM : 2108130091
Assalamualaikum mother Lilis
Actually I do not understand all especially with the use of TO BE in making sentences. Hopefully tomorrow I can do the test well lilis mother. Amin
Name : Eva Yulianti
ReplyDeleteClass : 1A
NIM : 2108120090
Impression english assignment this time was quite difficult, because I did not master the material. But because the task is done together with friends one class, seemed to be lighter. We can exchange thoughts and opinions until eventually the task of filling these problems can be solved. Thank you mrs. Lilies ...
Name : Wiwin Yulia
ReplyDeleteNIM : 2108130053
Class : 1B
hi mom, sorry late blog post
At last week's meeting of the English quiz was very stressful but fun and exciting.Because with english quiz can measure the extent to which our understanding after studying the material we have learned. ..
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ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteName : Sri Dewi Nopianti
ReplyDeleteClass : 1B
NIM : 2108130044
Glad that in the 2nd half of the existing courses in English, because I do not really speak English, may each meeting is always fun.
Name : Sri Dewi Nopianti
ReplyDeleteClass : 1B
NIM : 2108130044
Learning English at mother Lilies Youlia very pleasant, although sometimes stressful.
Name : Sri Dewi Nopianti
ReplyDeleteClass : 1B
NIM : 2108130044
Quiz time, luckily I was wrong only a few so do not have to go to the front to sing in English, because I too memorized baseball and can not sing the English language.
Name : Wiwin Yulia
ReplyDeleteNIM :2108130053
Class : 1B
After my study material english units 4, 5, and 7, I quite understand, but many do not understand.And I expect next meeting mother could further clarify the matter further discussion of units 4, 5, and 7 so that we can all understand.
Thank you
Name : Sri Dewi Nopianti
ReplyDeleteClass : 1B
NIM : 2108130044
And again the quiz again, makes me tense because many false fear, lest my quiz results much later that one, which I feared was told the next singing in English, it is less memorized my singing English.
Name : Pipit Fitriani
ReplyDeleteClass : 1-B
NIM : 2108130022
after I learned about the material to be learned in the book, I quite understand that about synonyms, antonyms, how to say the date in english, and also to learn again how to say the number in english and other materials. I quite understand it but for the application of the sentence I am still not able to, because the vocabulary in the English language that is still a few that I mastered. so when matching synonyms and antonyms sentence I was trouble, and also sometimes difficult to interpret long passages with difficult vocabulary. though as I really like and enjoy in learning the English language.
Name ; Selpiyani
ReplyDeleteClass ;1 A
NIM ;2108130033
Reviewing maternal matter yesterday, made me think hard. due to low English language vocabulary...
Name : Trian Haniepa
ReplyDeleteClass : 1-B
NIM : 2108130028
After learning of English language books, the material on synonyms, antonyms, how to say the date in english, and also to learn again how to say the number in english and other materials.
I do not understand, it would be obvious if directly explained by mrs, is still much less understood.
but there was little I could understand the material that has been taught before high school.
Name: Keuis Rista Ristiana
ReplyDeleteClass: 1A
NIM: 2108130032
Sorry Miss, I'm late previously posted to this blog.From homework yesterday I had trouble learning, but luckily I was helped by seniors. learn English the fun. I love learning with Miss. I was very fortunate to learn English with Miss. Thank you Miss. Do not get bored teaching our class. :)
Name : Susi Susanti
ReplyDeleteClass : 1A
NIM : 2108130095
after I studied units 4, 5, and 7. I understand passable, so the time before test (UTS), me and my friends studying together to discuss the problems that exist in units 4, 5, and 7
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ReplyDeleteName : Dede Latif
ReplyDeleteNIM : 2108130043
Class : 1 A
mother, whether the mother will not teach again in class a and b ...?
dede still miss my mother's way of teaching, which is relaxed but serious then like to entertain by having students sing when most students had lower grades.
the health of the mother may be given by the gods ...
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ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteName : Rifki Alfian
ReplyDeleteProgram Study : Agribusiness
Faculty : Agriculture
Assalamu’alaikum Mom, good afternoon.
Mom, this the answer of my homework,
5 example of present tense sentences:
- Annisa drinks tea with her mother in the morning.
- Ryan always plays soccer in every afternoon.
- He’s tired after hard work.
- She walks beside me today.
- I eat bananas and apples this morning.
Name : Gumgum Octaviana
ReplyDeleteNIM : 5009130033
Class :IIIA
Program Study : Agribusiness
Faculty : Agriculture
Good morning mom, this is the task make 5 sentence present tense
1.Rian always play online games everyday
2.She makes the task of the English language at home
3.he go to school on a motorcycle
4.the sun rises from the east and the earth is round
5.He studies english everyday
Name : Cica Nurlia
ReplyDeleteNIM : 5009130057
Class : II A
Program Study : Agribusiness
Faculty : Agriculture
Assalamu’alaikum Mom, good afternoon.
Mom, this the answer of my homework,
5 example of present tense sentences:
I am happy
They go to market every week
I am slim and beautiful
I learn in Galuh University
She is smart and diligent
Name : Nendi Nugraha
ReplyDeleteProgram Study : Agribusiness
Faculty : Agriculture
5 example of present tense sentences:
- I have five car.
- She eats fried chicken.
- He cooks for his girlsfriend.
- Rian falls in the bathroom.
- Bird lives in the tree.
Name : Abdul Manaf
ReplyDeleteProgram Study : Agribusiness
Faculty : Agriculture
5 example of present tense sentences:
- I read a magazine.
- She works as manager in a office.
- She is fat.
- I am sad
- She types a message.
Name : Turangga Raka Siwi
ReplyDeleteProgram Study : Agribusiness
Faculty : Agriculture
5 example of present tense sentences:
- Mr.Randy and his wife watch television.
- My sister cooks a cake for me.
- I drink coffee with my grandfather
- They eat meatball everyday.
- He goes to the mountain every weekend.
Name : Rini Harleni
ReplyDeleteClass : 2A
NIM : 5009130001
Faculty of Agriculture
Assalamualaikum. Good night, Miss.
This is example of present tense sentences :
- Mr. Jono reads a newspaper every morning.
- I make a cup coffee.
- He is handsome and very rich.
- Windi goes to campus by bus.
- she drives a motocycle.
Name : Tina Siti Aisah
ReplyDeleteProgram Study : Agribusiness
Faculty : Agriculture
I am beautiful.
She loves dancing.
I see tear in your eyes.
My brother owns a new car.
She knows what I feel.
Name : Andi Pirmansah
ReplyDeleteProgram Study : Agribusiness
Faculty : Agriculture
I am sad today
She goes to an office
She is beautiful girl
I cook a cake with my sister.
She celans my bedroom.
Name : Lendah
ReplyDeleteProgram Study : Agribusiness
Faculty : Agriculture
Mita loves swimming.
I cook a cake for my brother.
I am sick.
My sister in holiday Jogjakarta.
She is a doctor.
Name : Yunus Kurniawan
ReplyDeleteProgram Study : Agribusiness
Faculty : Agriculture
5 example of present tense sentences:
- she drinks a glass of milk to night.
- My father go to office today
- I'm confuse with math
- We are study engglish every tuesday
- Joko is my brother
Name : Essa Sri Sujayanti
ReplyDeleteProgram Study : Agribusiness
Faculty : Agriculture
- I read a novel
- I am cute
- I goes to pangandaran beach every month
- They are smart and cute
- He makes me falling in love
Name : Hendra Matna Suherlan
ReplyDeleteProgram Study : Agribusiness
Faculty : Agriculture
* I read a newspaper
* Hendra opens the door
* Matna speaks english everyweek
* she is beautiful
* they are interesting and romance
Name : Devi Maharani Dewi
ReplyDeleteProgram Study : Agribusiness
Faculty : Agriculture
- I buy a car
- I am happy
- She makes a cookies
- I write a letter
- He is cute and romance
Name : Ima Purnamasari
ReplyDeleteProgram Study : Agribusiness
Faculty : Agriculture
- Water always flows to the lower place
- I am tired
- I always pray five times a day
- He is handsome and smart
- He tells me that he will never leave me alone
Name : Ega Meigania
ReplyDeleteNim : 5009130107
Class : II B
Program Study : Agribusiness
Faculty : Agriculture
Assalamuala'kum wr wb,,,,,Good afternoon, mom.
5 example of present tense sentences:
- I am single
- He gets money easily
- Farhan goes to school every day.
- Selly drives a car
- Fahmi drinks a glass of milk
Name : Kemas Febryan Azhar
ReplyDeleteProgram Study : Agribusiness
Faculty : Agriculture
- He reads a book in library
- They play game online everyday
- I am sick
- She looks attractive
- I sleep at 9 o'clock
Name : Akhmad Hanif Syifaul Aula
ReplyDeleteProgram Study : Agribusiness
Faculty : Agriculture
Class : 2A
My mother went shopping for vegetables every day
i m hungry
my famely travel every week
my father works in office
i m breakfast in the morning
Name: Rani fitriani
ReplyDeleteProgram study : Agribusiness
Faculty : Agriculture
- I live in ciamis
- I am funny
- I listen music everyday
- He is smart and beautiful
- I clean bedroom everyday
ReplyDeleteCLASS : 2A
NIM : 5009130016
He gets money easily
They learn English together
She always washer her face before going to bed
I love you
Water flows the highland to the lowland
Name : Iin Nurmala
ReplyDeleteClass : 2a
Program study : Agribussiness
Faculty : Agriculture
Assalamualaikum, miss.
5 example of present tense sentences :
- The fire is hot
- She is clever.
- Anita sweeps the floor every morning.
- I drink a glass of orange juice.
- I am lonely.
Name : Kurnia
ReplyDeleteProgram Study : Agribusiness
Faculty : Agriculture
- He gets a car
- I am single
- They play card everyweek
- She is very beauty
- I wakeup 5 o'clock everyday
Name : Rini Pitriani
ReplyDeleteProgram Study : Agribusiness
Faculty : Agricultur
Class : II A
- We eat rice every day
- I am Strong
- She sleeps alone every day
- They buy book every week
- He is fat and short
Name : Denda Zainul Arifin
ReplyDeleteProgram Study : Agribusiness
Faculty : Agriculture
- She writes a novel
- They play volleyball every month
- He is tall and handsome
- I am hungry
- He goes to Bandung
Name : Maya Nurbayati
ReplyDeleteClass : 2B
Program Study : Agribussiness
Faculty : Agriculture
- She is beautiful and long hair.
- I study religion in Pesantren Daarul Ulum everyday.
- I am confused.
- He works in the Flower Garden.
- I go to class for study English.
Name : Dede Nita Nurjabar
ReplyDeleteClass : 2A
Program Study : Agribussiness
Faculty : Agriculture
- Rina goes to Bali
- I am alone in home
- She swims everyday.
- He is tall and handsome.
- Mira so beautiful and sweet.
Name : Rini Pitriani
ReplyDeleteClass : II A
Program Study : Agribusiness
Faculty : Agricultur
- We eat rice every day
- I am strong
- She Sleeps alone every day
-They buy book every week
- He is fat and short
Name : Riswan Nugroho
ReplyDeleteClass : II B
Program Study : Agribusiness
Faculty : Agricultur
I live in majenang
He studies in havana
I am jealeus
They play volleybalI every week
She is skinny and tall
ReplyDeleteNIM : 5009130010
You eat the rice eviriday : Kamu makan setiap hari
He oversleep : Dia bangun kesiangan
I feel sad today : Saya merasa sedih hari ini
He learn bifore examination : Dia belajar sebelum ulangan
I work in an office : Saya bekerja dikantor
Name : Raka Djatnika
Program Study : Agribusiness
Faculty : Agriculture
Nick drink a coffee in the morning.
She is pretty girl.
He is handsome boy.
Rudi always plays a game in the class.
Mr. Smith always drinks coffee in the afternoon.
Name : Yuwanda Riswara
Program Study : Agribusiness
Faculty : Agriculture
She is beautiful
I clean the house everyday.
She eats meatball.
She is fat.
He is works in a office.
Name : Agis Herdiana
Program Study : Agribusiness
Faculty : Agriculture
I help my mother.
I clean my motorcycle everyday.
He eats a bread for a breakfast.
Anton plays tennis on Saturday.
I live in Ciamis.
Name : Aji Ruzhan B
Program Study : Agribusiness
Faculty : Agriculture
He is learns English in the class his friend.
Tiffany is beautiful and sexy for me.
My Mother is beautiful.
I am hungry.
The have four handphones.
Name : Sutedi Agussoleh
Program Study : Agribusiness
Faculty : Agriculture
He goes to school.
Bird flys in the sky.
He watchs television.
My Mother need help.
I celebrate my birthday at home.
Name : Gilar Dinary
Program Study : Agribusiness
Faculty : Agriculture
She watchs a movie with her boyfriend.
She plays with my heart.
The sun rises in the east.
I like fruits soup.
I am handsome
Name : Bubun Bunawan
Program Study : Agribusiness
Faculty : Agriculture
I like her.
Betty sings a song.
Jhon runs very slow.
Milk gives health.
She cooks in the kitchen
Name : Ayi Pitriana
Program Study : Agribusiness
Faculty : Agriculture
I am fat.
I like fried rice.
I have two cats.
I run better than you.
She loves me.
Name : Yusf Zamaludin
Program Study : Agribusiness
Faculty : Agriculture
My Mother washs my hand.
Milla hurts my heart.
He wrecks my birthday.
She writes a letter.
My Mother cleans a kitchen.
Name : Didik Lesmana
Program Study : Agribusiness
Faculty : Agriculture
Hanny eats meatball.
She is sexy.
He works in the Paris.
Nana plays volley ball on Sunday.
I live in Bandung.
Name : Tesa Prodiansah
Program Study : Agribusiness
Faculty : Agriculture
My Father is handsome.
I am sick.
She goes to market.
She buys a bag.
My Father needs help.
Name : Adi Kurnia
Program Study : Agribusiness
Faculty : Agriculture
I like soda.
I clean the bedroom everytime.
I have two dogs in my home.
He loves me.
She reads a book.
Name : Dida Makrami
Program Study : Agribusiness
Faculty : Agriculture
I wash my cloth alone.
They have six dolls.
I am smart.
Ryan runs very speed.
Agnes Monica sings a song in Paris last week.
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ReplyDeleteName : Akmaludin
ReplyDeleteProgram Study : Agribusiness
Faculty : Agriculture
I am happy.
She sings a song everynight.
She is sexy.
She marrieds in Bandung with Mr.Robby.
I drink milk every morning.
Name : Agis Mauludin
ReplyDeleteProgram Study : Agribusiness
Faculty : Agriculture
I am hungry.
Dilla looks at me.
He is strong boy.
Essa works in the Jakarta.
She gives me a cup cake.
Name : Desilia Indriyani
ReplyDeleteClass : A reguler
NIM : 5009130008
Program Study : Agribusiness
Faculty : Agriculture
Examples of simple present tense
1. Ratna goes to campus
2. They play football
3. I drink water
4. She reads a book
5. He drives a new car
Name : Heni Karina
ReplyDeleteClass : 2a
Program study : Agribusiness
Faculty : Agriculture
Examples of present tense
1. He works in market
2. I am sad
3. He is play a chess game
4. He plays game chess
5. He is short hair and handsome
Name : Irfan Hilmi
ReplyDeleteClass : A reguler
NIM : 5009130073
Program Study : Agribusiness
Faculty : Agriculture
1. (+) We go to the mountain every weekend.
(-) We don't go to the mountain every weekend.
(?) Do we go to the mountain every weekend?
2. (+) He sleeps every night.
(-) He doesn't sleep every night.
(?) Does he sleep every night?
3. (+) Mr. Andrean works every morning.
(-) Mr. Andrean doesn't work every morning.
(?) Does Mr. Andrean work every morning?
4. (+) We play guitar every afternoon.
(-) We don't play guitar every afternoon.
(?) Do we play guitar every afternoon?
5. (+) Diana writes a letter.
(-) Diana doesn't write a letter.
(?) Does Diana write a letter?
Robi Nurdiana
ReplyDelete2A Reguler
Faculty of agriculture
Halo mom,
The present tense!
-I am sleepy (how people feel)
-We play skate board every day (actions that happen from time to time)
-she is a very pretty girl (what people look like)
-he driver in istana merdeka (things that never change)
-I am busy (how people feel)
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DeleteName : Cicih cahyati
ReplyDeleteClass : A reguler
NIM : 5009130012
Program Study : Agribusiness
Faculty : Agriculture
Examples of simple present tense
1. Things that never change
( He live in ciamis )
2. How people feel
( Iam alone )
3. Action that happen from time of time
( Ani sweeps the floor every day )
4. What people look like
( 1.He is tall and charming )
( 2.She is diligent and handsome )
Name: Novi Nur Oktavia
DeleteClass: A reguler
Examples of present tense
1. Things that never change
2.How people feel
3. Action that happen from to time
4. What people look like
Name : Anwar Hidayat
ReplyDeleteClass : 2 B
NIM : 5009130129 Subject : English
Lecturer : Lilies Youlia Priatin, S.S.,M.Pd.BI.
Faculty : Agriculture
The examples of simple present tense :
1. Terry brings an English dictionary to the school everyday.
2. Rahma always eats fried rice every morning in her house.
3. The students always read al – qur’an in their class every Monday.
4. My Mother goes to the market every week.
5. They play badminton every Sunday.
Name : Aep Kosasih
ReplyDeleteProgram Study : Agribusiness
Faculty : Agriculture
I am sorry for not always stand by you, when you need me.
Lina goes to school by bike.
He brings a book.
Asep writes a letter.
Mr. Udin is teacher.
Name : Dini Astria
ReplyDeleteProgram Study : Agribusiness
Faculty : Agriculture
Name :Rusidi
ReplyDeleteNIM :5009130122
Semester : III Class B Regular
Program Study :Agribusines
Faculty :Agriculture
Present Tense
1.I go to garden every day (Saya pergi ke kebun setiap hari)
2.It sleeps every noon (Ia tidur setiap siang)
3.They swim every Sunday (Mereka berenang setiap Minggu)
4.She is beautiful and smart (Dia cantik dan pintar)
5.I am Confused and sad (Saya bingung dan sedih)
name : Aris gumilar
ReplyDeletenim : 5009130116
kls/smester : II B/III agriculture
program study : agriculture
Present tense
- we are bored
- our vacations in tokyo
- our prayers every day
- he is fat and tall
- the builddingwas bbig and tall